Türk Telekom
“Fiberin Hızını Türkiye’nin Her Köşesine Taşıyoruz”
Türkiye’nin dijital dönüşümüne öncülük eden Türk Telekom, Türkiye’yi fiber ağlarla örerek, 81 ilin her köşesinde, herkes için erişilebilir yüksek hızda internet sunmak amacıyla çalışmalarını sürdürüyor. LTE mobil baz istasyonlarını uçtan uca fiberle donatmak hedefiyle başlattığı Fiber Mobilite çağı ile dijital deneyimi zenginleştiren Türk Telekom, 2024 yılını 2025’e bağlayan 31 Aralık gecesinde Mardin’de gerçekleştirdiği çalışmalarla fiber
Fast start to 2024 with strong operating performance from Türk Telekom
Türk Telekom, the leader of Turkey’s digital transformation, continues its innovative work and investments that will shape the future by setting world standards. Announcing its financial and operational results for the first quarter of 2024, Türk Telekom continued its strong growth momentum in its leading business lines. While Türk Telekom increased its consolidated revenues by
Türkiye is ready for tomorrow’s technologies with Türk Telekom’s fiber power
Türk Telekom, leading Turkey’s digital transformation, continues to connect Turkey with fiber networks with the approach of “not just one city, but every city of the country”. Türk Telekom increased the length of its fiber infrastructure, which is indispensable for tomorrow’s technologies, to 437 thousand km by the end of 2023, and increased its household
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